Jumat, 20 Juli 2018

Humancoin (HUMA) - Platform aiming to connect the philanthropy industry, retail e-commerce and cryptocurrency markets.

Greetings to the whole community, I am passionate about crypto coins and good project followers. In this new publication I would like to present the Humancoin project. I'm sure you've heard a lot about Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Crytocurrencies, ICO ... but Humancoin blockchain is the coolest, and for more details we'll cover the following topics:

What is Humancoin (HUMA)?
Humancoin may be a revolutionary platform transportation regarding the natural action of financial aid trade, retail e-commerce and cryptocurrency markets, that along have a combined worth of $3.5 trillion.

Humancoin is that the new large cryptocurrency fuelled by the Proof of Charity mining protocol. This invention permits the project to scale thousands of times. it's backed by retail e-commerce and charity trade that along have a combined worth of $3,5 trillion. Blockchain technology on one P2P convenient platform adds transparency and traceability. Association with financial aid can build Humancoin a possible international loyalty programs individual. Humancoins are going to be simply convertible into any partners' points, miles, bonuses.

The blockchain platform fuelled by the “mined” Humancoin token will breathe new life into the charity industry, proving an engine of growth.

While at the same time becoming a premier global loyalty program for an increasing number of partners in e-commerce.
Humancoin unites philanthropists and recipients of funds on a single P2P platform in the most convenient and transparent way possible.
his is the first ever blockchain project that has the potential to become a global e-commerce loyalty program aggregator. Humancoin unites philanthropists and recipients of funds on a single P2P platform in the most convenient and transparent way possible. Association with philanthropy gives its tokens a unique advantage in developing loyalty programs with partners, creating a strong emotional resonance. Instead of competition, the Humancoin token is effortlessly integrated into already existing systems all it requires is setting a conversion rate.

Why own Humancoin?
  • The Humancoin tokens can be easily convertible into any points, miles, bonuses, coupons.
  • Token owners will be incentivized to hold them to take advantage of attractive benefits and this provides a long-term, stable demand for tokens.
  • As the number of partners and the scope of cooperation within the Humancoin Network grows, so does the popularity of the token.
  • The Proof of Charity “mining” concept allows the project to scale hundreds and thousands of times.
Unique features of Humancoin
  • This is the first ever blockchain project that has the potential to become a global e-commerce loyalty program aggregator.
  • Association with philanthropy gives its tokens a unique advantage in developing loyalty programs with partners creating a strong emotional resonance.
  • Instead of competing with existing programs, the Humancoin token is effortlessly integrated into already existing systems  all it requires is setting a conversion rate.

Why is Humancoin a breakthrough blockchain project?
  • Humancoin unites philanthropists and recipients of funds on a single P2P platform in the most convenient and transparent way possible.
  • The blockchain platform fuelled by the “mined” Humancoin token will breathe new life into the charity industry, proving an engine of growth.
  • While at the same time becoming a premier global loyalty program for an increasing number of partners in e-commerce.
Solution: Humancoin is the currency of kindness
Blockchain solves the trust issue by providing transparency, traceability, and security.

Donors can quickly make donations worldwide, monitor their expenditure online, receive benefits from the platform's partners.
The symbiosis of e-commerce and cryptocurrencies will facilitate an increase in the number of donors.

Among the project's partners will be large online stores, service businesses, gaming and entertainment industries, airlines, crypto exchanges, international corporations, regardless of whether they operate with cryptocurrencies or not.
How it works

The platform provides the opportunity to fully track donations online, as well as voting and ranking for projects and philanthropists along with other features.
  • There is also the option to receive a receipt for each donation to use for tax deduction purposes depending on the donor's tax jurisdiction.
  • The future expansion of the project will be financed by the 5%-fee raised from the funds collected for charity projects, which is 4 times lower than the market average.
Token Sale
  • 3,055,000,000 ERC20 Humancoins are available
  • All tokens that go unsold will be burned
  • The price of one token is $0.01
  • Minimum purchase – 0.1 ETH
July 1 — August 15
Expected to raise$1 mln
Token Sale
September 15 — November 1
Softcap — $6 mln
Hardcap — $26 mln

2017 — Q1 2018
development of the project idea
establishment of the core team and the pool of early backers
сonsultations with the charity community and experts on loyalty rewards
final shaping of the team

Q2 2018
start social media and PR campaign
preparations for the Token Sale

Q3 2018
Token Sale
development of the platform and expansion of the team
preliminary negotiations with the program partners
conclusion of agreements with anchor charitable foundations

Q4 2018
completion of the Token Sale and listing on cryptoexchanges
launch of the charity platform in beta
conclusion of agreements with
e-commerce partners
completion of the establishment of the legal structure

Q1-Q2 2019
the platform enters operation
collection of funds for charities and distribution of tokens to benefactors further development of the platform

Q3-Q4 2019
full functionality of the platform
extension of the list of
e-commerce partners
extension of the list of  charitable foundations


Yes to the investors do not forget to invest your money into this project, do not miss it. because investors are starting to arrive. Ok, for more details please visit the official website: https://www.humancoin.net/

Friend, I want to say that this is really a new and unusual project. You can also pay attention to this project, and study it in more detail. read the Whitepaper at: http://docs.humancoin.net/HumanCoin_whitepaper_en.pdf

Thank you friends have read this article I write, if you have more money and you want to invest, then I strongly recommend this project. because this is a very promising project with interesting ideas and also this project has a professional and reliable team. do not miss.

For more info:

Posted By:

My Bitcointalk username:  yeeyeyaya
My Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1825290
My ETH Adress:  0x4F48EDB9e057c115276945450C18e298C0E33186


Minggu, 15 April 2018

Senin, 02 April 2018

Ntok bringt neueste Revolution in der Bildung

Webseite: https://ntok.io/
Hallo Freunde, komm mit mir zurück Lalatina In diesem Post werde ich ein Projekt namens Ntok diskutieren. Ich denke Ntok Projekt ist sehr vielversprechend, weil Ntok meiner Meinung nach ein sehr interessantes Konzept und eine Idee hat, warum? Denn NTOK   ist eine globale dezentrale Plattform für Weiterbildung, die Tutoren und Studierenden die Interaktion über Online-Plattformen auf der Basis von Blockchain ermöglicht  Anstatt neugierig, schauen wir uns den Artikel an, den ich geschrieben habe:

Wie ich bereits früher erklärt  habe,  ist NTOK  ein globales, dezentralisiertes Ecosystem für Weiterbildung, das Tutoren und Studenten die Interaktion über Blockchain-basierte Online-Plattformen ermöglichen soll.
Ntok ist eine Online - Plattform, das die geografischen Grenzen zwischen Dozenten und Studenten durch modernste Technologie mit hohem Qualität Video und Audio sowie bildungsspezifische Funktionen wie Whiteboards, Scheduling - Unterricht, Zahlung und interaktiven Lernmethoden eliminiert. Unsere Aufgabe ist es, bestehende zentralisierte Plattformen zu nutzen, um echte Peer-to-Peer-Lösungen zu entwickeln.

„Die Vorteile , die wir umfassen die Klassifizierung von Lehrern zuverlässig sind eingetragene in blockchain.  Dank dieser Studenten sicher sein kann , es ist nichts falsch bei der Klassifizierung von Treuhändern.  Die Erhöhung der qualitativen Niveau des Vertrauens Dienstleistungen, die einen starken Wettbewerbsvorteil bedeutet im Vergleich zu Schulen anderen Online“ , sagte Maxim Shekhovtsov, CFO und einer der Gründer von Ntok.io. „Es ist wichtig , dass wir ohne Vermittler arbeiten.  In einer traditionellen Schule, ein Lehrer erhält zwischen $ 7 und $ 20 pro Lektion, während die Schule , den Rest erhält.  Wir schaffen einen Weg , die Effizienz erhöht: wir den Raum in die Klassenzimmer nicht mieten, unsere Plattform nicht über einen Vertriebsleiter , Administratoren, usw.  Deshalb sind wir gut mit kleinen Kommissionen, während die Schüler sparen. "


Die   NTOK-   Plattform zielt darauf ab, all diese Probleme zu lösen, indem ein Online-Orientierungs-Ökosystem entwickelt wird, das auf der Blockchain-Technologie basiert. Die wichtigsten Teilnehmer  von  NTOK  sind Tutoren und Studenten. Andere Teilnehmer sind Inhaltsanbieter und Bildungsinhalte, die darauf abzielen, die   Aufmerksamkeit  von NNOK- Zuschauern  auf ihre Produkte zu lenken  Der Schwerpunkt    der NTOK- Plattform  liegt auf Fremdsprachen, anderen populären Themen und Themen, Vorschulerziehung, Zusatzunterricht  für K-12-Schüler sowie auf Kodier- und Blockchain-Kursen. NTOK  ermöglicht es Tutoren, die sich auf eine Vielzahl von Themen spezialisiert haben, der Plattform beizutreten. Nach Abschluss einer Reihe von Online-Lektionen können die Schüler mit verschiedenen Tutoren zum selben Thema arbeiten oder sie können gleichzeitig mit mehreren Tutoren lernen.

Ntok.io ist nicht die einzige Plattform im Bereich Online-Bildung; Plattformen wie Duolingo, Tutor Varsity und iTutorGroup arbeiten daneben. Der Gründer von Ntok.io sagte jedoch, dass sein Hauptkonkurrent der Offline-Markt sei, während derzeit 95% aller Lehrer und Tutoren konzentriert sind. Ntok.io möchte die aktuelle Situation ändern und die massive Migration von Lehrern und Schülern in die Online-Welt stimulieren. Experten gehen davon aus, dass das Online-Segment dieses Marktes in den kommenden Jahren um mindestens 70% wachsen wird.
Um diesen Plan zu verwirklichen, hat Ntok.io die wichtigsten Vorteile: ein sehr starkes Team mit großer Erfahrung nicht nur im Bereich der EdTech (zum Beispiel die Einführung von Ninja Online Tutor Schule online lernt Englisch, was erfolgreich war), sondern auch , Einzelhandel, Medien, IOT, künstliche Intelligenz und Robotertechnologie. Der Kern des Teams Ntok.io einschließlich Andrew Kravets (CEO und Gründer), Maxim Shekhovtsov (CFO und Gründer), Natalya Asenova (Leiter Marketing und Vertrieb) und Alexey Borisov (CTO). Berater ICOBox und führende Vertreter der Krypto - Community, erfahrene Unternehmer und Gründer der führenden Internet - Dienste Zusätzlich montiert Ntok.io ein Team von führenden Berater bei Managern von großen internationalen Unternehmen, wie Auto.ru, HH.ru und KinoPoisk.
Wir erwarten, dass die   NOTOK- Token-  Werte kurzfristig  signifikant ansteigen,  wenn es eine steigende Anzahl von Plattform-Mitgliedern und die Verwendung von Fast-Token gibt, die eine hohe Nachfrage nach NTOK-  Tokens  erzeugen sollten    . Das   NTOK- Managementteam  erhält  Anreize von NTOK- Zuschüssen     , die bestimmten Sperranforderungen unterliegen.

Details von ICO

Pre-Sales zwischen 5. Dezember stattfinden wird, 2017 und 15. Januar 2017. In   Token  von Pre-Sales,   NTOK  wird unter den folgenden Bedingungen verkauft werden: Bonus von 50%, den Kauf von mindestens $ 25.000, 1 NTOK = für $ 1,00.
Das ICO soll zwischen dem 15. Januar 2018 und dem 15. Februar 2018 stattfinden. Die Tokens werden voraussichtlich innerhalb von zwei Wochen nach dem Ende des ICO oder früher verteilt.
Die NTOK-  Tokens   werden während der ICO mit einem Startpreis von $ 1,00 pro ICO-Woche ausgegeben. Solange der Preis von ICO Token NTOK jede Woche steigt:
  • Erste Woche: 1,00 $
  • Zweite Woche: 1,05 $
  • Dritte Woche: 1,10 $
  • Woche vier: 1,15 $
  • Fünfte Woche: 1,20 $
  • Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der folgenden Website

Geschrieben von: 

Mein Bitcointalk Benutzername: arkaasay 
Mein Bitcointalk Profil: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1331746


Selasa, 20 Maret 2018

STREAMITY: Platform With Secure Decentralized Crypto Exchanger

Good night all. back with me K4ntalBi9 In this post I will discuss a project called STREAMITY. I think the STREAMITY project is very promising, because STREAMITY has a very interesting concept in my opinion, why? Because STREAMITY is a Secure Decentralized Secure Exchange Switcher Platform. Instead of curious let's look at the article I wrote as follows:

In this modern era, where technology is very helpful to facilitate human work, which was once considered impossible but now can be realized like a miracle and of the many banayak technology that there is something called blockchain, maybe some of us already know what is blockchain but if you do not know let me tell Blockchain is a recording system or database that is widespread in the network, or also called distributed ledger term but now I will not talk about blockchain but I will speak STREAMITY in blockchain technology, maybe you ask what is streamity ? STREAMITYis a Platform With a decentralized Crypto Exchanger and it is very safe and secure. To know STREAMITY even more please refer to the following description:
As web purchases gain a locality of lifestyles to grow various people, the web economy is growing. And as new digital merchandise and services emerge every day, an extra push for development is given to the digital economy. Thus, the current sector of the digital economy is that the main issue of economic growth of the planet is usually the Digital Economy shows that economic activity supports digital technology. This does not concern the development and sale of the maximum number of software systems as electronic merchandise and services produced by electronic business and electronic commerce. The rapid increase of the web economy sector led to an increase in demand for on-line payments.


STREAMITY is a Decentralized Crypt Exchange Device Platform and it is very secure and secure, a service that can exchange comprehensive encryption for fiat currencies without using this tool. This approach, of course, uses a very smart contract to protect users from all kinds of cheats. Unlike other exchangers, Streamity has a number of advantages: Exchange security, low commissions, services and functions are quite convenient for people with low knowledge in crypto, KYC ( Know your customers (UK gets to know your customers ), terms of banking and exchange rules for financial institutions and bets, and other companies working with personal money, which means they must identify and assign the identity of the counterpart before making any financial transactions.)

This is because the core of the Streamity platform is the StreamDesk app, which allows you to exchange currencies without a third party. Exchange is possible both in Fiat and in the basement. All exchanges are made by contract.
Streaming services can include news and analysis, instructional, and investment resources. All of the services mentioned above can offer important assistance to investors with the relevance and management of crypto funds. Each section of Streamity can represent its association within the Nursing freelance business environment and generate financial benefits from very different types of digital services.

Features StreamDesk

Streamdesk has features that other digital transfer platforms do not have. namely as follows;
  • Smart Contracts can not be separated from the flow of ecosystems.
  • Operational Legality: It follows KYC policy based on fair partnership.
  • Minimum Commission: Users can specify transfer methods according to their policies and at low rates. For example, this ratio can range from 0 to 2%.
  • Simplicity and convenience: In one app, crypto money is a simple and safe way to buy or sell with pleasure.
  • Freedom of the crypto community: Fiat can use currency and encryption processes freely and freely and legally. The exchange rate will be determined according to the current exchange rate.


Advantages of the STM Token
Because the " STREAMITY " project is based on a well-known group service, project services for market conditions of the secret money will be protected. STM is expected to be stable as the exchange rate increases and movement of STM is very low.

The STM marker is openly traded on a large cryptographic exchange that can be used by new customers and allows investors to sell it instantly. Thus, in addition to the rise in the currency values ​​associated with the fiat currency of the STM symbol, there is also an inexhaustible potential for the major cryptographic currencies. The development of STM services and new customer desires will create an established STM request.
here is the reason why you should buy the STM token:

Company PTE Streamity Legitimacy . LTD. established in Singapore. Investors from any country can formally obtain tokens. The Company maintains partnership with the largest payment system.
Unique service «StreamDesk». 
We create unique services for convenient and profitable purchase of crypto-currency exchange with reliable contract protection and payment systems in all countries of the world.
Minimize risk. 
Minimizes the risk of manipulating exchange rates from STM tokens due to reserve funds in the STM token, as well as in currency.
Purchase / sale of Crypto currency without commission. 
For the initial investor, we grant privileges when using the StreamDesk service and the possibility of buying / selling crypto-currency without commissions.
The current team. 
Highly coordinated and effective team of developers ready to implement the idea.
The STM Token is at the edge of the Streamity ecosystem. 
The STM Token will be used to pay for all services in a large-scale Streamity ecosystem. With every new service launch on the platform, the STM token will be in great demand.
The STM Token will be publicly traded on the main cryptographic exchange, which gives them access to new users of this system. Each token owner with more than 1250 STM will have bonuses on the platform including reduced commissions.

Sales of Tokens and Distributions

  • Streamity PRA-ICO
  • Start: 25.12.2017 (12.00 Moscow time, UTC - 8)
  • End: 28.01.2018 (12.00 Moscow time, UTC - 8)
  • Depending on the stage that investors support the project, a 30% discount will be given exclusively for PRA-ICO.
ICO stage 2
The ICO phase will take place in two stages:
The first phase starts at 12 \ 03 \ 2018
Token available 110.200.000 STM
Purchases are made at BTC, LTC, ETH, ETC, USD, EUR
First day sales bonus 20%, next day 15%
both phases begin 16 \ 04 \ 2018 and end with 29 \ 04 \ 2018
Bonus in second phase 10%
The token fee is 0.2 USD

  • SALES SALES: 1 day bonus 20% and bonus 2-14 days 15%
  • Start: 12.03.2018 (12.00 Moscow time)
  • Completed: 25.03.2018 (12.00 Moscow Time)
  • Stage 2: Bonus 10%
  • Start: 16.04.2018 (12.00 Moscow time)
  • Completed: 29.04.2018 (12.00 Moscow time)


  • 25% -Streamity team.
  • 40% of the Streamity team share will be contained in the reserves, created to support STREAMDESK service development and maintain liquidity within the system.
  • 50% of the Streamity team's share will be blocked for a year according to
    smart-contract conditions until the launch of the STREAMDESK mobile app.
  • 10% of the team will be paid to the staff as a thank you for achieving the
  • 2% advisors and partners.
    The advisory and partner stock "STREAMITY" will be blocked for one year according to smart-contract conditions


  • 40% of our ICO investment will be spent on product development. The main objects of shopping are: staff recruitment, staff payments, equipment purchases and maintenance
  • 25% investment will be used for active marketing. We realize it's
    marketing that can help us win the competition with other companies. Common marketing laws for everyone, regardless of company location or economic growth.



For More Info:

Posted By:

My Bitcointalk username: yeeyeyaya
My Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1825290
My ETH Adress: 0x2C3f54307b523efAE4456faCc412A3F798daB264